(Please identify any restrictions, entrance height/width, and vehicle turning space at entrance/inside site)
Is access available for a 7.5 tonne lorry
Are there any steps? if so how many?
Are all the CORRIDORS to be used at least 120cm (47”) wide?
If no, please give details:
Are DOORWAYS at least 81cm (32”) clear width?
Are there any LIPS over which the castors must run?
Are FLOORS suitable for wheeling the machine on its castors?
(Not marble, polished wood, loose carpet tile, fitted carpet etc)
Please give details:
If above or below ground floor, will a LIFT be available?
(Maximum load rating must be at least 300kg (4 persons)
Are the landings at least 125cm (49”) in depth?
Are they suitable for use of a powered barrow or crawler – i.e. no carpet over the lead edge, are not wooden, open plan or special construction or finish?
Available onsite support?
Available remote support?
Solution/Application - My Q/PaperCut/Safecom/Card Readers
Live Network Port?
Network cable provided?
Dedicated analogue fax line available?
DNS server
Add another printer?
If there are more than 5 printers to be installed, please provide the information on a spreadsheet and attach below.
(max file size of 5mb, File types .xls and .xlsx)