Get your ducks in a row – decouple.

AI has the potential to power your business with dynamic actions and insights, but do you know where to start?

Moving away from initial cloud adoption strategies and making data AI ready will put digital transformation and IT agility back on track with the future velocity you need to power your business now and into the future.

Pooled resources and SaaS subscriptions in the public cloud may have been more efficient and good for scale, but not all applications could be hosted. 

At Kyocera we focus on making customers’ data AI ready. We partner with HPE as AI is intrinsic to their technology stack. Platforms such as HPE Greenlake enable us to deploy AI workloads in a safe and controlled manner in the place our customers want to deploy them - be that on prem, in a private cloud or a hybrid cloud approach.

Decoupling means applications and workloads are spread across different clouds, enabling managed service providers like Kyocera to provide a richer and more connected experience that unleashes the power of AI.

Kyocera has developed tailored AI solutions that deliver real value for our customers utilising HPE Greenlake, such as fully dynamic chat box, feeding data into a language model, or interrogating data in free text form to produce outputs and insights previously unattainable.

Watch the other videos in this series

Watch the video on modernising your infrastructure

Explore why its key to moderise

Watch here
Watch the video on navigating the Hybrid Cloud landscape

Find out why you should decouple the cloud

Watch here