Working towards a

sustainable world.

Corporate Social Responsibility - People - Kyocera Group UK


Our people are what makes Kyocera.
With a company culture centred around Dr. Inamori’s philosophy “Respect the Divine and Love People”, we preserve the spirit to work fairly and honourably, respecting our people, our work, our company and our global community.


There is no planet B. That’s why KYOCERA Group UK is taking climate action today.

We offset our UK operation’s carbon by working with partners to reforest our paper use and by funding carbon-reducing projects around the world.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Planet - Kyocera Group UK
Corporate Social Responsibility - Products - Kyocera Group UK


Putting the environment at the heart of innovation, our products are designed with sustainability in mind.

99% of Kyocera products are officially designated ‘Green Products’.

Carbon Reduction Plan

Reduction in total emissions 2023-24 vs 2022-23
Reduction in Scope 3 emissions 2023-24 vs 2022-23
Reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions 2019-24
tCO2e 2023-24

Our Bees

Corporate Social Responsibility - Bees - Kyocera Group UK

They may bee up on the roof, but our two Honeybee hives are creating a real buzz at our Reading office and providing us with our own Bee Kind single source honey.

Our Awards & Certifications

Our Articles

Working towards a

sustainable world.

Corporate Social Responsibility - People - Kyocera Group UK


Our people are what makes Kyocera.
With a company culture centred around Dr. Inamori’s philosophy “Respect the Divine and Love People”, we preserve the spirit to work fairly and honourably, respecting our people, our work, our company and our global community.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Planet - Kyocera Group UK


There is no planet B. That’s why KYOCERA Group UK is taking climate action today.

We offset our UK operation’s carbon by working with partners to reforest our paper use and by funding carbon-reducing projects around the world.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Products - Kyocera Group UK


Putting the environment at the heart of innovation, our products are designed with sustainability in mind.

99% of Kyocera products are officially designated ‘Green Products’.

Carbon Reduction Plan

Reduction in total emissions 2023/2024 vs 2022/2023
Reduction in Scope 3 emissions 2023/2024 vs 2022/2023
Reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions 2019 - 2024
Below target on scope 1 & 2 emissions 2023-24

Our Bees

Corporate Social Responsibility - Bees - Kyocera Group UK

They may bee up on the roof, but our two Honeybee hives are creating a real buzz at our Reading office and providing us with our own Bee Kind single source honey.

Our Awards & Certifications