Claim your carbon neutral certificate
Lifetime* offset of your devices
Hardware, consumables and your engineer visits
We offset your device and consumable production, transport and usage over it’s full lifetime via a simple bolt on to your device purchase.
Certification via MyClimate
Auditable and traceable.
We will offset your device with MyClimate to create you a bespoke carbon neutral offering.
A certificate of authenticity will be issued once you have registered.
Registering for your carbon neutral certificate is a simple 4 step process
Make a note of your device model number(s), serial number(s) and your carbon neutral certificate numbers.
Fill out and submit the form below
The form is received by our team who will confirm device and carbon neutral option purchase.
A carbon neutral certificate which will be emailed through to you.
*Lifetime = 5 years –does not include energy usage
**If taking service from Kyocera
Packaging = device and consumable packaging
Consumables = Toners and inks
Transportation = Source factory to UK
****Not included in offsetting