Green Hushing - Steve Pearce - Head of Marketing | Kyocera Group UK

Green hushing

If you are proud of what you are doing, why keep it quiet? Green hushing by Steve Pearce Head of Marketing  Kyocera Group UK What is it? The term greenhushing was coined in a blog article by consulting firm Treehugger in 2008. It has become part of the corporate lexicon since 2022 and refers to…

Steve Doust Group Sales Director - Business Solutions Kyocera Group UK

What are the benefits of using a managed service provider?

What are the benefits of using a managed service provider? by Steve Doust Group Sales Director – Business Solutions  Kyocera Group UK Operational challenges Companies and organisations face numerous operational and IT challenges, from data security to improving efficiency. To combat and overcome these challenges, many are turning towards using a Managed Service Provider (MSP)…

Contract Negotiation – Art or Science?

Contract Negotiation – Art or Science? by Suki Purewal Group Commercial & Operations Director Contract negotiations are an everyday occurrence, but are they an art or is there a science behind successfully completing them? When negotiating a contract, risk averse parties may have difficulty reaching an agreement because they are generally more concerned about potential…

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